Zaid Flandorp

Aspiring Front End-Developer.
About Me
Zaid Flandorp
My name's Moegamat Zaid Flandorp, I'm 18 years old. I attended Symphony Secondary High school and I matriculated in 2020. during my free time, I enjoy listening to music, drawing, and being with close friends. As I grew up I started to wonder why the computer I had worked the way it did. That was when I started to become more interested in computers and technology in general. My passion for computers grew, even more, when I started taking the CAT class in high school.

  • School: Symphony Secondary High
  • Year: 2016 - 2020
  • Age: 13 - 18

  • Academy: Lifechoices Academy
  • Year: 2021
  • Age: 18 - 19

My Skills

South Africa, Western Cape

+27 74 018 4296